Phantastische Bücher und Hefte

Heyne SF 4946
Die Freundlichen

Melissa Scott 
Titelbild 1. Auflage: 
Gespenster nannten sie ihre Geächteten, die in der Hölle zu überleben versuchten, doch ihre Macht wuchs mit jedem Tag
Orestes und Electra sind die beiden Monde des Riesenplaneten Agamemnon vom Stern Atreus. Humans colonized these moons and the resultant political structure is one of several feudal kingdoms with blood lines descending from the original crew members. Orestes is the more developed, and warmer, though still cold. Citizens in the society obey a rigid code of honour and to break it means death. However in more modern times, this 'death' does not mean loss of physical life, but a total ostracism from normal society. Citizens of the society must pretend that such code-breakers do not exist, that they are imperceptible to all the senses. However, there is a protocol by which the two communities may communicate: an official medium is allowed to act as go-between. Trey Maturin is such a medium, working for the Halex queendom. Under the influence of the evil Halfrid of the Brandr domain, the code of honour is being twisted to achieve his personal aims and war results between Brandr and Halex. Trey Maturin, her friends and the live and dead of all the houses will be caught in this brutal war.